February 2017 Business Meeting Minutes
Shire Meeting Minutes 2/23/2017 Note: the Shire meeting was rescheduled from February 16 to the 23 due to lack of officer quorum. New Business: There is a new place and schedule for the shire fencing practice. The practice will be held at the Churchville Nature Center (same place as the meetings) at 7:30 pm in the large community room. We have use of the room on the 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of the month. The room is spoken for by another organization on the other Tuesdays. The use is covered under our current rental fee. There will no longer be fencing practice at Middletown due to costs. Other Tuesdays may be added during warmer months when the group can fence outside in the center’s overflow parking field. We will also be looking to other local fencing marshals to...
Read MoreGreetings to members of the Shire.
Just a short message wishing everyone a happy Sunday, and a great week. I hope to see you at the Shire Business Meeting on Thursday. YIS, Ravenna De’Witte
Read MoreWinter Newsletter 2017
Greetings good gentles of the shire! As we pass through the winter months and move closer to the arrival of spring, I bring to you tidings from the Shire. First, I give you an introduction to our new Seneschal, Lady Ravenna, followed by upcoming activities and something to warm your winter Medieval table. Our newsletter will be a seasonal one, and I invite you to contribute as well, be it a bardic tidbit, a drawing, a photo of our Shire members out and about in the Kingdom, an A&S project you have finished, or a tasty treat of the season. All are welcome and encouraged to contribute to our Shire news, which by the way needs a name. Yours in Service, Lady Sigridh Bengtsdotter Buckland Cross Chronicler Please download the Winter Newsletter...
Read MoreField Trip! Shofuso Japanese Tea House
As the planned A&S activity for April, I am organizing a shire Field Trip to the Shofuso Japanese Tea House in Fairmount Park. The Japanese American Society is hosting two Tea Ceremonies for their annual Cherry Blossom Festival on Saturday April 8th. Unfortunately the 1pm ceremony is sold out, but they are holding a second one at 2:30pm by popular demand. The ceremony maxes out at 30 people, and tickets are going really fast. I already bought my mine so if you are definitely interested and can go, please private message me asap. ~Aurddeilen Name(required) Email(required) Comment(required) Submit Δ...
Read MoreTavern Game Night – February 2017 Change
NOTICE: Due to our monthly Shire game night coinciding with Valentine’s Day, the restaurant has advised us that they will NOT have space for us that night. So consequently, we will have to move the venue to another location in February [2017]. So I have decided to host game night at my house. Please note that I reside in a small cape cod style house, and can only comfortably accommodate about 10 people max. So we could set-up a game in my dining room, and another in the Living room. if you are planning to come please indicate that you are “going” so I know exactly how many to expect. Thanks!!! Visit the FB event page to RSVP and for more details.
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