November 2017 Business Meeting Minutes
Shire Meeting Minutes 11/16/17 Seneschal There will be a curia at Yule that seneschals are asked to attend. Ray mentioned a subject he felt needs to be brought up. As a former seneschal he feels there needs to be more clarification between the requirements/duties of Kingdom officers and local officers and that is not well defined in kingdom law. Christine suggested that the information be sent to Katherine Barr beforehand. MoAS A block carving and printing class has been requested and is a possibility in January for the 1st Sunday A&S. There will be no 1st Sunday in December due to an event that day at the nature center and the fact that the holiday season is very busy for everyone. Archery Archery is done until spring. We received some target butts for...
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Greetings all! In December many of us will be attending the Yule revels in Bhakail. If you’d like to sit as a group at feast, please let Ravenna know. We are hosting King’s and Queen’s Rapier Championship at Bucks County Community College. This is an all hand’s on deck event, please reach out to Sighrid and let her know how you can help. We will enjoy our own small holiday celebration immediately following the business meeting – oh who am I kidding, during – on 12/21 at the Nature Center. Please bring a dish to share with ingredients list and your holiday joy. Practices and gaming are all on track for the coming month. There will be no A&S night in December – we’ve all got lots going on this time of year! Yours...
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Shire Meeting Minutes 10/12/17 Welcome to our visitors Exchequer 57 pre‐registered for Shire Wars/52 for feast Have received the deposits from other shires for shire wa Checks given to Bucks County Community College for rental of the gym facilities for K&Q Rapier Champions MoAS 1st Sunday A&S will be a Stich & Chat on November 5th 6pm at the nature center Barony Progress Baronial Status Change Polling Sample Shown Have officially requested mailing labels from kingdom Shire Wars Duchess Diana is doing a bead pilgrimage again this year Bardic at the feast hall all day along with music & dancing There will be a weaving circle as well as a heraldic consultation table King & Queen’s Rapier Will be a topic for discussion & update at next meeting...
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