Pot Luck at November 2018 Business Meeting
In thanks for our family, we invite everyone to bring a dish to share at our November business meeting, to be held on November 15th at the Nature Center.
Read MoreOffice Nominations will be Accepted in November
Greetings unto the citizens of the Barony! All officer’s terms expire in January and so we seek candidates to fill these roles. If you would like to be considered, please review the roles and responsibilities in the laws of our Barony, the East Kingdom and the SCA. Reach out to those who have held the office, including the present holder. Please, consider carefully if you can make the commitment to our group and choose to be put on the poll only if you can sustain the effort for your full term. We will expect to have all names for consideration at our November 15th Business Meeting to be posted for consideration. Voting will be in December and offices will be assumed in January. Please address general questions to our Seneschal, Lady...
Read MorePremiere Investiture of the Barony of Buckland Cross
FULL details are available from the East Kingdom event calendar. The Barony of Buckland Cross invites all good gentles to join them for the premiere investiture of the Barony, that of the The Honorable Lord Aurddeilen-ap-Robet and lady Sigridh Bengstdotter. Highlights of the day will be a cookie competition, music and dancing. PayPal registration is available. SCHEDULE FOR THE DAY Site opens: 10 A.M. Morning Royal Court: Day-board: Music and Dancing will take place at the back of the Great Hall during the break between Morning and Evening Court. Period and Modern Games will be available to play all day in the Community Center Game room located next to the lobby. For the younger children, there is a separate children’s play room located at the end of the hallway...
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