May 2019 Business Meeting

Meeting minutes for 16 May 2019

– Shire Wars has been cancelled for this year and Coronation will takes its place, to be held on 4 Oct, in one of the westernmost shires, possibly Harrisburg. The 5 Shires will share cost and manpower.

– Wiki Potluck will be held on 16 June at Suellen’s house in Hopewell NJ.

— Ray passed around images for baronial award badges. They were voted on and approved by all present.

-Bhakal Commons will be held on 23 June at Ridley Park. This will be the last court of Baron Rowen Cloteworthy.

– Gold Key session will take place on Sun, from 10-1 at the Churchville Nature Center.

– Suggestions for Demo sites yielded Doylestown, Buckingham Township, Bucks County Community College, National Nite Out and Southampton Days

– The Royals are looking for A&S Championship bids, and suggestions for a Queen’s Favor A&S workshop were made.

Exchequer / Fencing Marshall
-The Barony’s available balance is available from the Exchequer. Cynthia Marco will be staying on the account as third signatory.
–Fencing practice continues, with the 3rd Tuesday’s practice being the biggest.

Knight Marshall
-Suggested having Baronial champions tournament at Shire Wars. Not a lot of feedback on Heavy practice. Talks ongoing to merge with Bhakail.


-Working on brackets for tournament to be held at Artisans Village.

-She is learning how to blazons, has joined the Baby Herald’s FB page and the baronial badges will be her main priority. Trent is the Deputy book herald.

Artisans Village
– Bill will do the write-up for Artisans Village heavy weapons tournament. Baron Corcoran will be running it, in Stagger format. Gate and dayboard/feast volunteers are needed, as are popups and chairs, folks to haul stuff. Ray will be onsite early. Janice volunteered to do tokens.

– Archery targets and stand are being made by Ray. Archery and thrown weapons practice will alternate, with practice days being Wedsnesdays and Sundays.

– Discussed starting online pre-regs for events once the date of the event has been verified.

– Discussed the need for a Chamberlain and the necessity for an inventory of baronial assets.

The next meeting will take place on 20 June at the Churchville Nature Center.

In service,
Lady Ravenna, Chronicler

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