Business Meeting Minutes, January 2020

16 Jan 2020

From the Seneschal

Membership in Buckland Cross has dropped. Primary focus will be membership. Discussions included demos, venues, advertising, and budget.

Bylaws need to be revised and finalized. A committee will be formed, bylaws rewritten and voted on for approval by the end of February.

Gear is sorted and shelved, but not catalogued. Cooking items are still needed, as is a membership to Restaurant Depot.

Currently there are six pre-regs. Recipes and menus are under consideration. The menu will be finalized by the end of Jan. Prizes are needed for the poetry and wiggle contests.

The Barony needs to be more cognizant of budgeting, in all areas. Discussion included looking into other venues, and having set budgets for advertising, demos etc…

Events Discussion ensued whether Artisans Village would continue, and if so, when and in what format. A decision will be made at the February business meeting. Baronial Commons was also discussed, to possibly be held at Core Creek Park, with a potluck dayboard. Time of event tbd.

Officer Reports

4th quarter report is not done yet. The format will be changing to Quickbooks, and the program will need to be purchased . A subscription for Tech Soup was suggested.

Numbers are down due to college . Practices are held on the 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.

A + S
Jaqueline held a successful Kumi Himo class, and a second class is pending. Suellen is currently working on putting on a tapestry class, date tbd. The suggestion was made to work with the Nature Center on ways to open up classes to the public.

Web minister
Plugins were updated and links corrected. There is a new EK website and also a new SCA website. Quarterly report filed. Discussion took place concerning officers photos (in garb) for updating the Buckland Web page.

Christiane Truelove was voted in as Chronicler, and upon completion of the paperwork, will become the third signatory on the bank account.

The next meeting will be held on 20 Feb 2020.

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