Call for Online A&S Display items (with example)

Greetings Easterners! It is my pleasure to forward the following announcement. The MOAS office is so excited to announce the date of our first Online Kingdom A&S Display, Friday March 27th! To be a part of this first round please submit your entry by Tuesday the 24th. We already have a few entries but we would love to see even more – any experience level is welcome, this is a great way to try your first A&S display with anything you have been working on! We also have an example entry posted at…/ and in the comments below if you are looking for ideas! Please send the following information to with “Display” as the subject line. SCA Name: Barony/local area: Optional – Link...

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Pennsic A&S War Point Team: Call for Applicants

The following is forwarded on behalf of the A&S champions. Artists and Scientists of the East! Greetings from your Champions. While the balmy days of Pennsic may seem in the distant future, we are already hard at work in preparation for the Pennsic Arts and Sciences war point. To that end, we invite any members of the populace interested in becoming members of the war point team to submit A&S projects for consideration. Due to time restrictions, projects proposed should already be well in progress or completed at the time of submission. If you have an idea for a brand new project, please consider working on that and submitting it for consideration next year. Please submit your letter of intent to, by April 3, and include the following...

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