A&S Classes for the week

“Try”athalon: Nine Men’s Morris: Build and Play a Game (June 22-28), project by Emeline la Chauciere and Phelippe le Vigneron,  Tutorial: Nine Men’s Morris TutorialFacebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/2628745584005244  Tuesday, June 23: “But I Can’t Read That!” Doing Research in a Language You Don’t Know. 7:00 pm EDT. Instructors: Master Galefridus Peregrinus and Mistress Judith bas Rabbi Mendel. If you have ever been frustrated by finding that the perfect reference to document your project is in a language you don’t know, this class is for you. We’ll be talking about using online translation web sites, dictionaries, and many other tools that can help you to understand and use foreign language resources....

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The future of online A&S Classes

The MoAS office has been hosting online classes for about three months now. While this started as an emergency measure to help maintain SCA connections during the start of physical distancing, many people have suggested to us that continuing with these classes long term would be desirable, especially since the kingdom now has a YouTube Channel that can host content. As a result, we have worked to develop a written plan for how our office will schedule, monitor and assist with online classes on a continuing basis. You can find that information at the link below. https://moas.eastkingdom.org/virtual-moas-classes/ Basically, we are going to (have already started) offering fewer classes per week, to reduce the strain on our office deputies and volunteers, but, as...

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EK Brewers Guild: U Brew U

The East Kingdom Brewers Guild is proud to present: U Brew U, an online beginner brewing schola! Have you ever wanted to get into brewing, but you just haven’t been able to get going? Don’t know where to start? Need some help figuring out what this whole “historical brewing” thing is about? This is the event for you! When: Saturday, June 27th, 3 PM – 6 PM Eastern time Where: Using the power of Google Meet, you can attend from the comfort of your own home! What: We have a great suite of content scheduled, divided into several Google Meet rooms. Classes are intended to be shorter and accessible, with ample time to ask questions and learn! The Fireside Room: meet.google.com/whh-hhsb-yyx 3:00 PM – ???: Hang out with...

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Business Meeting Postponed

Apologies for the late notice, tonight’s meeting is postponed until next week due to a lack of quorum. Virtual meeting details will be updated to reflect the date, all other details remain the same. Yours in Service, Mistress Jenevra Webminister

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