Tokens for Crowns A&S

The MoAS office is looking for an artisan or artisans who would be interested in making tokens for Crown’s A&S entrants. If you are interested in learning more or volunteering your art as service, please e-mail Lissa (EK MoAS) at

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Call for a Special A&S Deputy

Are you an artisan who is interested in working with the MoAS Office to promote A&S throughout the kingdom? The MoAS office is looking for a special deputy officer to help with A&S Competitions (both on a local and kingdom level). Duties would include:–Helping to run kingdom level competitions and providing advice and support for individuals running local & regional A&S competitions. –Helping to create materials to support the running of competitions at the kingdom and local level. Requirements: For this position, we really need an artisan with at least some level of competition experience (either as a judge or entrant, and either at the local or kingdom level). Experience with the use of a rubric is desired as well, as this...

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Virtual Crown A&S Championships

Due to COVID-19 the 2021 Crown’s A&S Championships will be held virtually in January 2021! While running this online will present some challenges, it also creates many opportunities, such as greater access by the wider populace to view entries, more time for judges to discuss with entrants and each other, no limit on how many people can display, and the option to enter/display items that cannot easily be transported. Our staff will be assisting every step of the way to ensure broad access regardless of background through a variety of supports for both entrants and judges. Full details can be found on our MOAS webpage at but in summary: 1. Entrants (both display and competitors)...

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