Business Meeting Minutes, February & April 2021


Old Business

Seneschal sought, and got permission, to submit bylaws to East Kingdom Law Clerk to review. The bylaws will be put on the Buckland Cross website by the Web Minister for the populace to examine before official submission.

The barony checking account signatures were completed by the Seneschal, Exchequer, Deputy Exchequer, and Chronicler.

The Baron gave an update on the Barony’s badges. They will have to be resubmitted in a new, square format. And they will not be submitted all at once. The Baron will submit one at a time for approval, and pay for them one at a time.

New Business

Exchequer: Barony’s balance is ?????. No new checks have been submitted or sent out.

Herald: Working on Trent’s submission, and will be submitting Stephen’s soon. Arsinoe’s will be resubmitted. Herald expressed a wish for feedback from other heralds and a contact to get someone to open the virtual submission table. Malcolm has stepped down as Brigantia Herald, and Jehuda has stepped in.

Knight Marshal: Has been concentrating on A&S, since there are no fight practices.

Fencing Marshal: Nothing new to report.

MoL: Has shared information from Kingdom about fighter authorizations. No exceptions will be made to us in the Philadelphia area. MoL theorizes that when fighting begins again, everyone will automatically be made to reauthorize, based on what is happening in other kingdoms.

(Seneschal says a new database has been made to smooth the way for handling large numbers of re-authorizations.)

Chatelaine: No new people

Chronicler: Nothing new to report

Web Minister: Website has been updated with the new officer listings. All of the emails have been matched to the current officer.

MoAS: Nothing new to report.

Seneschal: Brought up virtual socials. Is thinking of once a month thing. Could follow the meeting with a social. Cannot go to every other month in case things open up in June, planning will have to be done for a Champions event.

Seneschal proposed to the Webminister of making a Barony Google calendar.

Decision was made that every other month will be a five-minute business meeting followed by a social, starting in March.


Seneschal says according to SCA recommendations, the Barony should take its group page private. Majority of groups in the SCA and many of Buckland Cross’ immediate neighbors have made these changes. Chronicler made the motion to make the Buckland Cross Facebook group private, Chatelaine seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

The Seneschal outlined the current SCA guidelines to going back to in-person events. Basic rules: Policy starts June 1, everyone has to have a mask on except when they are eating and drinking – especially for bardic activities. No food, water, or drink to be provided to attendees or the staff. Everyone can bring food only for themselves. If you are eating and drinking you must stay still, while observing social distancing. No overnight camping, all events must be outside with maximum of 150 people, and all events require pre-registration. You cannot require people to show proof of vaccination.

Exchequer had a question about signup for contact tracing. Seneschal said that is the purpose for pre-registration. Seneschal thinks we can just put up a Google form for martial practices.

Chatelaine said he was not under the impression of having practices be pre-reg, just having signup sheets. Seneschal was going to check back with Kingdom.

There was a brief discussion about whether PayPal pre-registration will become more prevalent, rather than handling checks or cash. It is unclear at this time.

There was a question of if we are required to turn away people who just show up without pre-registering, even if they are willing to fill out the contract tracing form. As long as they are willing to follow the rules, Seneschal feels they can be admitted. But Seneschal will get clarification from Kingdom.

Seneschal suggests anyone who wants to put on an event for the Barony, put a one-pager together for review. Mistress of A&S says maybe hold off to see what others do and if they lose money. Exchequer says at this point, with no food required, the only costs would be site fee and maybe an insurance certificate, and we can run a Commons on a shoestring budget.

No updates from officers. MoAS wants lists of A&S accomplishments for her reports in June. Meeting was adjourned. The next meeting in May will be a social.

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