June 2021 Business Meeting

Thursday, June 17, 20217:30 pmIn-person:Churchville Nature Center, 501 Churchville Ln, Churchville, PA 18966Online:Meeting ID meet.google.com/kcu-pjth-itf, Phone Numbers(‪US‬) ‪+1 941-254-6795‬, PIN: ‪269 221 968#‬ Don’t forget, you can join us in-person or you can join us live online for this Thursday’s meeting. There is currently the appearance of conflict among all the different rules we have regarding masks, and certainly much confusion – we know this, and we need to be patient with higher authorities and each other. I would like to recommend we all bring masks and expect to wear them. I would rather be cautious as we get back together and considerate of those who may still need us to be more careful. Perhaps if the weather is nice we...

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