Business Meeting Minutes June 2021

Barony of Buckland Cross Meeting 6-17-2021

This monthly business meeting of the Barony was the first in-person meeting for more than a year at Churchville Nature Center. Present in person were the Baron, Baroness, Seneschal, Chronicler, Chatelaine, MoAS, and MoL. Present online were the Herald, Web Minister, and Knight Marshal.

Seneschal had members sign in with contract tracing form. Such forms must be done through the end of the month of June.

MoL is signing up for assisting at Crown Tourney, which is in Hartshorn-dale. As of 6/17, tourney was being capped at 150 attendance, with only about 50 spots open for the populace/spectators.

Settmour Swamp’s Baronial Championships are July 31, no attendance cap.

Chatelaine: reports that a new person showed up at fencing practice the previous week. With the knowledge that there is a local HEMA group in Newtown. Chatelaine joined the group’s Facebook page and will be the Barony’s ambassador to that group.

Baron and Baroness report: Baron Aurddeilen (who is also Archery and Thrown Weapons Marshal, and Siege Marshal) is not going to hold archery practice until the fall, because of current COVID restrictions. There was some talk of making a ballista as an A&S project.

MoAS: Arsinoe has submitted her bi-annual report, which was full of doings of members of the Barony.

Herald: Current Blue Tyger may be stepping down, and may be mentoring our Herald and Deputy Herald. Brigantia Herald has suggestions for submitting designs for Barony badges.

Web Minister: Nothing new to report. Is working on spam captcha. Current website activities calendar is up to date.

MoL had a question about the Discord server she created for the Barony, and wanted to know if we can provide the link to other groups. She is posting the link again to the Barony Facebook group as well as East Kingdom group.

Knight Marshal: Fighting is picking back up, and Southern Regional Sundays has started up in New Jersey at Quail Hill Scout Camp in Carillion.

Seneschal Report: Exchequer has looked into storage unit costs, at this point still too expensive. The alternative is purchasing a trailer that belongs to the Barony. Topic tabled until next meeting.

Cailleach (Karyn) has stepped up into the Deputy Exchquer position,  and was approved with a voice vote at the meeting.

The topic was raised of whether Deputy Officers of the Barony should have a minimum membership time in the SCA before taking a position. Those in attendance agreed not to specify that in the bylaws, other than the understanding that these deputy officers should be members of the SCA in good standing.

The Seneschal says she has heard back from Kingdom about Barony bylaws, and the Kingdom’s representative made notes. One change made is where referral to ZIP codes is made at Kingdom level (the answer: the Postal Legatus). Anything in our bylaws having to do with event money is being referred to Kingdom Exchequer for input. At Kingdom’s suggestion, Social Media Officer has been added to our Lesser Officers List.

Text has been added to the Grievance section of the Barony bylaws, to clarify what the process is and to determine when grievances are referred to the Kingdom level.

More feedback is awaited. New copy is in officers’ shared Google drive. Goal is to have finalized bylaws by next business meeting.

Champions Event: River Wars was rumored to be canceled. Shire Wars is either going to be a day or a full weekend event. Settmour Swamp’s Quest is on line. Lakewood Renaissance Fair. Possible date is first Saturday in October.

Chronicler volunteered to be event steward for the Baronial Champions event. Core Creek Park is the proposed site, on Oct. 2. Once Sir Tiberius, the current heavy weapons champion confirms, the date will be locked down, and insurance certificates for county will be ordered.

Al-Hafla 2022: looking at potential date of February 12-13. Will confirm next meeting.

July 15 will be next Barony meeting. Topics up for discussion—Champions Event, Al-Hafla, storage unit, and bylaws finalization.

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