Business Meeting Minutes, July & August 2021

July: Officers in person were the Seneschal, Baron, Baroness, Exchequer, Chatelaine, Deputy Exchequer, MoAS, and MoL. Officers online were Web Minister, Herald, Deputy Herald, Marshal, and Chronicler/Deputy Seneschal. Two visitors were also in attendance, one from Settmour Swamp. Seneschal introduced some items from the last meeting (storage unit, mentor for Herald). Herald wants to wait another month before approaching Kingdom again for assistance with mentoring. Might approach some people in neighboring baronies.Deputy Exchequer was confirmed, Exchequer will start training. Exchequer says storage unit is too expensive. She is moving Barony items to her own trailer as work in her basement is being done. Seneschal suggests looking for a trailer for the Barony,...

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