A&S Championship Preliminary

Due to struggles securing a site that meets requirements, attendance numbers, and other such things. The dates for this event are as of yet still undetermined, however, what follows are the general plans so far for the A&S Championship prelims. The current plans are to hold A&S champs in a hybrid format, with preliminary judging done online similar to last year the week before the event and finals in-person at an event during February-April (with options if finalists cannot attend). There will be an online display option open to everyone, and if the site allows it we hope to have space for some in-person display as well. This format allows entrants to participate who cannot travel long-distances or attend in-person due to Covid, gives more time for judges...

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December Business Meeting

Greetings all! Please note that tonight’s meeting will be held ONLINE ONLY! We apologize for the late notice, the officers came to the decision over lunch out of an abundance of caution. Link: https://meet.google.com/_meet/kcu-pjth-itf We will look to enjoy each other’s company, the turning of the year, and the outdoor beer garden at the Inn once the weather (which is not supposed to feel like spring NOW) feels like spring (for REALs). Please let me me know if you have anything to discuss! Yours in service, Jenevra Seneschal, Buckland Cross

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