Business Meeting Minutes, September 2021 through January 2022
September 2021
Attending in person were the Baron and Baroness, the Seneschal, the Chonicler, the Knight Marshal, the MoAS, and the MoL. Attending online were the Exchequer, the rapier practice coordinator/Chatelaine, the Herald, and the Web Minister.
The main topic of discussion was coordination of the Oct. 5 Baronial Champions event.
Officer’s Reports
The Rapier coordinator shared the format for the rapier champions portion of the event, and the MoL was coordinating the paperwork.
The Web Minister reported that previous meeting minutes have been posted to the Barony’s website and the Barony’s bylaws have been updated on the site. He had nothing else new to report.
The MoAS had nothing new to report
The Exchequer reported that we were solvent, with $6,143.55 in account and one check remaining to clear.
The Herald reported that she was getting instruction from Kingdom on submissions for heraldry.
The Chatelaine had nothing new to report. As Rapier coordinator, reported that the most recent practice was well attended with eight people, with one newcomer joining.
The Baron, who is also the Archery-Thrown Weapons Officer, was typing up plan for reopening archery practice, which needs to be approved by Seneschal and then Kingdom. COVID vaccinations would be required since the practice would be at a private residence.
New Business
The primary topic of discussion was the Champion’s Event on Oct. 5.
The Baron was taking responsibility for writing a court script. Scrolls have already been made. Regalia needs to be brought by Champions. Baronial pop ups and thrones will be brought. The Rapier Coordinator was bringing the lists. The MoL was bringing additional tables as well as writing implements.
Bottled water was being provided by Barony, and to be picked up by the Chronicler who was also the event’s steward. The Exchequer was bringing tables for event registration and sign-in.
A discussion took place about the event Shire Wars, Oct. 15-17th, which Buckland Cross was a co-host for. Details were shared such as the limit on camping and the availability of boxed lunches.
Another upcoming event, Bhakail Yule on Dec. 11 had become a royal progress event.
There was some discussion about how the Barony’s Al-Hafla event in 2022 could be done in conjunction with Kingdom Bardic or another RP event. Research has begun into possible sites.
October 2021
In attendance in person were the Baron and Baroness, Seneschal, Chronicler, Exchequer, Chatelaine/Rapier Coordinator, MoL, Herald, and MoAS. Online were the Web Minister and Knight Marshal.
Old Business
The main topic of discussion was the recent Champions’ Event, in which the Barony’s Rattan and Rapier Champions were chosen. Our Rattan Champion is Mord Hruttson, and our Rapier Champion is THL Ciaran Ua Meic Thire.
The event ran smoothly, attracting more than 50 people at Tyler State Park.
New Business
Discussion continued about trying to coordinate Al-Hafla with the Kingdom or Baronial A&S Champions. A tentative event posting was made on the East Kingdom website. The steward for the 2021 Al-Hafla wanted to find a new steward for the 2022 event so that she could concentrate on providing food.
November 2021
In attendance in person were the Baron and Baroness, Seneschal, Chronicler, and MoL. Attending online were the Herald, the Exchequer, the MoAS, and the Web Minister.
Officers’ Reports
Nothing new to report. End-of-the-year 2021 reports for the Kingdom were being prepared. The MoAS stated that she would not be looking into scheduling any activities until at least January 2021 because of the holidays.
Old Business
A new check was authorized by the Exchequer and Seneschal for expenses from the October Baronial Champions event. The Exchequer reports that the Barony remains solvent.
There was a brief discussion of the activity at Shire Wars, which unfortunately was shortened by torrential rain and wind.
New Business
A need had been expressed for a social media officer for the Barony. A vote was taken, making Andruta Jezofyna, our MoL, also our social medial officer. Andruta had already established a Discord server for the Barony and would now run our Facebook page.
A new steward and deputy steward were introduced for the 2022 Al-Hafla event, and they were going to be looking at potential sites. The event was still tentatively set for Feb. 26.
The Baron reported that he was still trying to get Baronial award names researched and approved by Kingdom, and indicated that he would start looking into that in January.
The Seneschal and MoL reported that they would be going to 100 Minutes War that month.
December 2021
A brief meeting, because of the holidays and a resurgence of COVID, which canceled the Barony’s holiday get-together. Nothing really new by any of the officers to report. A decision was made to push off Al-Hafla until the spring when it could be held outdoors because of COVID concerns.
January 2022
Attendance was online as Kingdom had shut down all in-person activities and events until at least in the beginning of February because of the spike in Omicron cases.
Officers Reports
The Rapier Master/Chatelaine reported that the K&Q Fencing event had been canceled and new bids would have to be submitted.
The MoAS shared the Kingdom announcement that the A&S Championships were going to be held in March at an event called Aisles of March in Stonemarche.
The Web Minister reported that he had submitted a quarterly report and needed to fix a few broken links on the Barony’s website. Seneschal/former web minister reports that she no longer has access to the site. Web Minister says there was a bug with the sidebar and he had to go in and make a manual edit to the theme.
The Herald reported that she was working on a new submission of arms and had gotten approval by the submitter for the potential designs. Additionally, the Herald had not heard from anyone at Kingdom about the designs for the Baronial awards.
The Exchequer reported that the Barony was solvent, with $6,174 in the bank account, with nothing outstanding.
The Seneschal reported submitting her report on December 30. She reiterated that all events in the Kingdom had been canceled. Nothing new to report for Al-Hafla as the event steward was still recovering from COVID.
Quarterly reports had been submitted by the Seneschal, MoAS, Web Minister, and Exchequer.
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