Business meeting Minutes February & March 2022
February 2022 In attendance were the Seneschal, Baron and Baroness, Chronicler, Exchequer, Knight Marshal, MoAS, MoL, Herald, Web Minister, and Chatelaine. OFFICERS’ REPORTS Morwill MacShane, rapier practice coordinator/Chatelaine, says fencing practice has reopened at the Churchville Nature Center and that he is still keeping COVID contact tracing sheets. Andruta Jezofyna, the MoL, stated that she has a report due March 1. She was going to attend Mudthaw to help out with the lists but might have to pull out. No other news to report. Baron and Baroness said they have nothing new to report. The Baron, who is also Thrown Weapons/Archery marshal, says there will not be any archery practice for the immediate future. Herald reported that she has spoken with Mistress...
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