Business meeting Minutes February & March 2022
February 2022
In attendance were the Seneschal, Baron and Baroness, Chronicler, Exchequer, Knight Marshal, MoAS, MoL, Herald, Web Minister, and Chatelaine.
Morwill MacShane, rapier practice coordinator/Chatelaine, says fencing practice has reopened at the Churchville Nature Center and that he is still keeping COVID contact tracing sheets.
Andruta Jezofyna, the MoL, stated that she has a report due March 1. She was going to attend Mudthaw to help out with the lists but might have to pull out. No other news to report.
Baron and Baroness said they have nothing new to report. The Baron, who is also Thrown Weapons/Archery marshal, says there will not be any archery practice for the immediate future.
Herald reported that she has spoken with Mistress Alys about the blazon being designed for Adelisa Salernitana, and that progress is being made. Arsinoe’s and Stephen’s submissions are still in process. She had nothing else new to report.
Knight Marshal reports that there are two area practices on Wednesdays, in North Jersey and Philadelphia. Nothing else new to report.
Chronicler states that delinquent business meeting notes have been turned in, and an annual report has been turned into Kingdom Chronicler.
MoAS reports that she has been talking with the Baron about future A&S activities centered on Japan, in honor of the upcoming reign, perhaps an activity comparing/contrasting medieval and modern Japanese traditions.
Web Minister said he had nothing new to report, and is just keeping on top of updates to the Barony’s website.
Exchequer says that the annual report has been submitted, and nothing new has been received or spent. The Barony remains solvent.
Event stewards Caillach (Karyn) and Violet have not been able to make much headway in this post-pandemic atmosphere. As dates are filling up on the Kingdom calendar, event is indefinitely postponed.
Blazons and Awards for the Barony
Herald has not heard anything back from Kingdom with feedback on proposed designs. Baron is going through the paperwork to figure out what we still need. A meeting will be set up with the Kingdom. With Hartshorn-dale moving forward to become a Barony, we will need to lock in designs to prevent any conflicts.
Reopening of the Kingdom and Resumption of Activities in the SCA
Seneschal reports that the East Kingdom has been reopened. With the revival of activities at Kingdom level there will be awards given. Some things are getting announced on the polling lists. The Seneschal asks that if anyone you know within the group is getting an award, please discreetly share that information. Seneschal reminds as the new reign approaches, don’t forget you have the opportunity to put in people for awards. If you know anyone in the group getting an award, discreetly let the Seneschal and Baron and Baroness know so we can rally support.
Upcoming events are Mudthaw in Settmour Swamp and Coronation in Ostgard, as well as Aisles of March, Nova Schola in Hartshorn-dale, and Bhakail’s Tavern event. The Kingom of Acre coronation has been rescheduled for March 12 in Sayreville, N.J. Beltaines is supposed to be on in Canada in 2022, but that is only an option if the border reopens.
On the possibility of a joint event with the Barony of Iron Bog, the MoL reported that she has not heard back from Sterling De La Rosa, the knight marshal of Iron Bog, about his ideas, but the concept is still open.
Baronial Championships Tourney
Rattan Champion Mord Hruttson asks that we need to consider when and where to run the tourney, says it should be done before Fall Crown Tournament. He points out that we will need a Marshal there because he is not one. As far as a site goes, the Baroness says after her talk with county officials, we have the option of using Core Creek Park to hold the event.
Baronial Gold Key
A guest, MK, reports that the Gold Key in Hartshorndale is looking for help sorting bins. Our Seneschal points out that we need to get to our own Gold Key projects. The MoL really wants the stuff out of her basement and transferred to the chatelaine. MoAS has made a few more men’s tunics, but we still need more stuff for men.
March 2022
In attendance was the Seneschal, Baron and Baroness, Chronicler, Exchequer, MoL, MoAS, Chatelaine, and Webminister.
The Seneschal had nothing new to report but shared the most recent COVID guidance from the Kingdom. Under this guidance, we are not required to mask at outdoor events, but must still mask indoors. The updates have been posted on the EK Gazette website
The Baron reports that he still needs to get together with the Seneschal and Herald to review what is outstanding for creating our baronial awards. An in-person meeting was set to review materials.
Thrown Weapons Marshal (also the Baron) reports that he has not seen any updates to what Kingdom is requiring of marshals for COVID requirements. With the weather turning nicer, he wants to start setting up archery practice again.
The Herald says she is still working on Adelisa’s blazon with Mistress Alys. No new news. Seneschal adds that Dame Lillia has offered her assistance to the Herald if need be for consulting.
Rapier Marshal/Chatelaine says fencing is doing well, and remains on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, with between 6 to 10 people showing up. As Chatelaine, he has received two e-mails this week. Seneschal says Baroness Genevieve has garb to give to Gold Key. Sorting and inventory still has to be done.
MoAS says not much going on A&S wise, and she and the Baron are still talking of an upcoming Japanese-themed event. Baron has posted some ideas, such as a tea ceremony. MoAS wants to talk about clothing, especially dyeing and weaving techniques of certain kimono. Seneschal says Baroness Genevieve has offered up garb reference books. MoAS says it would be nice to have a small collection of books available for the Barony’s use. Seneschal says at one time we did have an index of who owns what books, but that was back in 2008.
Web Minister says everything that has been needed to be done has been done for the site has been done, and delinquent minutes have been posted.
Knight Marshal says that Southern Army Sunday in neighboring Carillon has restarted, and everyone’s really excited to go back to it. The practice is the third Sunday of each month, and he is expecting a big turnout as kingdom regulations are relaxing.
Exchequer says there is nothing new financially to report, the Barony remains solvent, none of the numbers have changed. The reports have gone out to Kingdom with no notes from that office.
There is no movement on Al-Hafla.
The Seneschal points out that we need to start thinking of Champions event for the fall. Could be in the same location. Now that COVID restrictions are loosening up, we may be able to do it as a potluck.
Upcoming events are Mudthaw in Settmour Swamp, Sign of the Squirrel & Hound (Bhakail’s Tavern event), and Coronation in Ostgard.
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