Business Meeting Minutes June through December 2022

June 2022 Present in person were the Baron and Baroness, Seneschal, Chronicler, Knight Marshal, and Herald. Online were the MoA, Webminister, Deputy Herald, and Exchequer, as well as our Rattan Champion.  Officers’ Reports MoA: quarterly report filed, nothing new to report. The 25th is the Japanese garden social. KM is working on metal etching classes. Webminister: updates have been made, meeting notes posted. Herald: Mistress Alys said the Barony Award badges are ready to go, Kingdom Herald just needs the check. We have proved the spelling of the Order of Style (Steel). Chronicler: Needs to check the Pikestaff to see if Barony contact information is correctly in there, specifically for the Seneschal and Baron and Baroness. MoL : Nothing new to report Baron...

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