Business Meeting Minutes June through December 2022
June 2022
Present in person were the Baron and Baroness, Seneschal, Chronicler, Knight Marshal, and Herald. Online were the MoA, Webminister, Deputy Herald, and Exchequer, as well as our Rattan Champion.
Officers’ Reports
MoA: quarterly report filed, nothing new to report. The 25th is the Japanese garden social. KM is working on metal etching classes.
Webminister: updates have been made, meeting notes posted.
Herald: Mistress Alys said the Barony Award badges are ready to go, Kingdom Herald just needs the check. We have proved the spelling of the Order of Style (Steel).
Chronicler: Needs to check the Pikestaff to see if Barony contact information is correctly in there, specifically for the Seneschal and Baron and Baroness.
MoL : Nothing new to report
Baron and Baroness: Nothing new to report
Exchequer: We have $6,174.40 $27 check for badges mailed out, check has yet to clear.
KM: Fighting season is in full swing. Bhakail on Thursdays, Iron Bog on Sundays, random fight practice in Philly on floating days. Fighting authorizations need to be checked, according to Mord, before Pennsic.
Baron: Archery has been going well. Arrow making demo is going to be the 20th. Thrown Weapons is a maybe, one target has disintegrated, but could take the remaining target and do it in his backyard. Has asked Herald to contact scribes to do scrolls for Champions event.
Seneschal: Nothing new to report
Old business:
Baroness has materials for Ostgardr, we’re doing embroidered linen cup covers. We can deliver them at Pennsic.
Japanese Garden Social: 12 people are signed up, 11 still going. Tea ceremony will be in gazebo. Exchequer says even though it is a free event, we still need to do an event report for it. We need to have a sign-in sheet, etc.
Commons: site has been reserved at Core Creek Park on Woodbourne Road in Langhorne. Mord said he will start plugging the event after Pennsic. He says for the format, more than 10 people will be double elimination, less than 10 people, round robin. Muirdeach will be acting marshal for the event.
No new business. Meeting is adjourned.
July 2022
Attendance: everyone except the Seneschal and the Baron and Baroness was online; Sterlyng from Iron Bog was a guest online. Harley has also joined us.
Officers’ Reports
Andruta (MoL): Nothing new to report. As the Barony’s social media officer, she is not seeing the Facebook group alerts immediately for adding new people. Seneschal asks that we leave it up to Andruta and Morwill (Chatelaine) to approve additions to the Barony’s FB group..
Arsinoe (MoAS): She has received a request for teaching classes and River War and is getting links for online classes at Pennsic. She mentioned that Knowne Worlde Heralds and Scribes is coming up.
Stephen (Web Minister): Has done the quarterly report and is keeping the Website up to date.
Morwill (Chatelaine): Chatelaine’s office has been quiet, and fencing is happening twice a month (unless there are S’mores for the social, in which case, the fencers will be having S’mores). Has to cancel first and third practices for August, as the Tuesday session after Pennsic will be dead.
Murdaigh (Knight Marshal): Pennsic War is on everyone’s mind. Last Sunday was last practice for Southern Region.
Jackie (Herald): Has been invited to join Mistress Alys’ classes after Pennsic. Checks have been sent for badges and awards for the Barony.
Jaz (Exchequer): Barony is solvent, quarterly report should be out by Pennsic.
Aurddeilen (Baron and Archery/Thrown Weapons Marshal): Archery and thrown weapons are going well. Practices will be canceled in August because of Pennsic and personal vacations.
Sigrid (Baroness): Baron and Baroness are registered for Barleycorn.
New Business
River War: Sterling is working on River War in Iron Bog. Activities will include fighting, fencing, thrown weapons, A&S classes, and even a chariot race and an equestrian fashion show. Dates are the 23rd-25th of September, at the 4H Fair of Mullica Hill. There will be a parade of decorated carts/ “chariot race.” The chariot race will be followed by court. There will be food, but not a feast. Is talking with food trucks about coming in. Saturday and Sunday morning will be packaged breakfasts.
Shire Wars: Seneschal says we are late about discussing details. Lady Torbvi is events steward. The event will be at Bashore Scout Reservation, in Jonestown, Pa., with theme being Battle of Baghdadi (Mongols vs. Abbasids). Feast is $10. 150 attendees are expected, the potential is there for more. His Highness is coming but not known if it will be a full RP. The Baroness had questions about whether certain site amenities will be open again (the Lodge). Details not really known at this time. Jenevra (Seneschal) says the seneschals have all been talking about the event. Baroness points out that if there is no access to inside spaces, attendance might be down.
The Exchequer says if attendance is down and we lose the amount given to Shire Wars, we will need to consider what events we could do to bring in money. This is not a concern so long as Shire Wars is a break-even event.
Exchequer made a motion to support the event, Knight Marshal seconded it, motion passed unopposed.
Membership Drive
Baron pointed out that when we started out as a Barony, we had 67 paying members. After the pandemic, we’re now down to 32. He points out that we need to hold some sort of membership drive.
Seneschal says that discussion needs to happen after Pennsic.
Exchequer says we should reach out to Kingdom Seneschal and see what they say about the number of members needed to sustain the Barony, but we also need to recruit active members.
Seneschal says we have to start meeting in person again, and start coming to the socials. She points out that if we’re not somewhere where people can’t come, they won’t come. “Come on out, we’ll have more S’mores.”
Sterling says Iron Bog “took a gamble” on doing the Baronial Championship in public. While an event atmosphere pulls onlookers in en masse, they do not generally pay the same attention to Sunday practice in a park, “they really don’t ask questions.”
Al Hafla
Exchequer has been looking at sites. Bensalem rents school sites. Penn Ryn is a private school in Fairless Hills that rents the gymnasium. $60 an hour. Bucks-Mont Unitarian Church also has spaces. We would have to reach out to facilities management.
Seneschal says there is also the Masonic Lodge in Yardley. Pennsbury district also available.
Exchequer says we need to determine what kind of event Al Hafla is going to be – is it going to be a social event with coffee and music and snacks, or a bigger event with classes and vendors? Would it be for the Baronial Bardic champions event? If it’s at Penn Ryn, we can have an event where we invite the school’s families.
Baronial Commons Rattan and Rapier
Need a new steward for the event as current steward (Adelisa, Chronicler) has to be at a wedding. Muirdaugh has stepped up and will continue to coordinate the event.
The Barony is losing Harley as a member, as she is moving out to the Pittsburgh area, hoping to be in Newcastle.
Upcoming events
September will be a busy month, with Barleycorn, Ducal Champion, River Wars.
August 2022
Baronial Meeting was canceled because of Pennsic.
September 2022
Attending: Baron, Baroness, Seneschal, Exchequer, Chronicler, Chatelaine, MoAS, MoL, Knight Marshal, and Barony member Harley
Officers’ Reports
Herald’s report: Check has been cashed for badges.Will focus on Stephen and Adelina’s heraldry next,
Archery and Thrown weapons report: Two new people showed up this week. Baron has a bunch of bows to give away.
Baron and Baroness: Baroness reports a regional baronial/Shire calendar is in the works so coordination can be done in scheduling events.
Exchequer: Incipient Barony of Hartshorndale was looking to see if their Investiture could be in November 2023. We will need to keep track of event sites and dates for our own Investiture.
MoL: Nothing to report, next event is our Commons. Will bring all forms needed for double elimination or round robin.
Chatelaine: Muirdeach has been getting new people in to fencing practice. Had 5 new fencers this past week. 2 went to archery. He needs to buy fencing masks and gorgets for loaners, needs mediums. Already has jackets, swords, and gloves. Barony will fund the gorgets and masks.
MoAS: has some emails to go through and wills be posting something shortly.
Webminister: nothing new to report. Exchequer raised silencing the Artisan’s Village page, but MoL has proposed using the event for Baronial A&S champions. Will hide page for now.
Knight Marshal: We’re in fighting season. Crown Tournament is in November.
Exchequer: We are solvent. Check has been sent out, received, and deposited for Shire Wars.
Seneschal: Kingdom is asking for detailed Seneschal reports. Need to be copied on officers’ reports now. Needs details on how many practices, how many people attending.
Old Business
Champions & Commons: Only one pre-reg so far. Needs a gate person, but already has marshals, MoL. Will need to set up Baronial pavilion, fighting lists. Tournament is being advertised. Exchequer and MoL have stepped up to be gate people. 9 a.m. setup. Blueberry is doing the scrolls.
Shire Wars: Details are up, PayPal is up. It’s a royal progress, with the new King attending. Masking will be required indoors and in the kitchen. Volunteers needed for certain staff positions.
East A&S Championships bid: Exchequer got some details on sites. UU Church gives 503c discounts. Other possibility is Polish Home in NE Philadelphia. UU site might also be good for Al-Hafla.
Masking: Motion made and passed for masking as a courtesy past Oct. 1 at Barony business, A&S, and other indoor meetings, will revisit Dec. 1. Will need to see if we can ask for a variance for future events.
Next Baronial meeting: Holiday part is scheduled, with a sock exchange (with $15 gift limit), potluck, and in person at the Nature Center. For those changing offices, bring your medallions, etc.
The Barony held its elections for officers: Adelisa Salernitana has become seneschal, Cailleach is now web minister, Andruta Jezofyna is now Herald, Muirdeach has become A&S Minister, Tzipora Dubois is our MoL. Morwill MacShane has volunteered as Knight Marshal and continues as Chatelaine. Arsinoe has volunteered as Exchequer if Jaz (Yasamin al-Sardiniyya) is unable to continue. New officers will take their places at December’s meeting.
Officer’s Reports
Seneschal: Jenevra says she has submitted the quarterly report for the end of .
Exchequer: Report was submitted and we are in balanced. NO check received from Shire Wars yet, but when received will be submitted. Signatures may need to be adjusted on Barony’s bank account.
Herald: Resubmitted Stephanus’ name submission, Mistress Alys is reviewing. Check was never cashed from the last one and submission was never found. Alys still is reviewing Adelisa’s armory. Barony badges awaiting approval.
Seneschal: Someone needs to submit Court Report from Baronial Commons. (Herald says most recent report does mention we had a Commons.)
MoAS: There was no handbook for the position when Arsinoe first started, but now there’s a new handbook from East Kingdom. (Baroness Sigrid has offered to print it out.)
Webminister: Nothing new to report. (Seneschal suggests he get together with new webminister to share passwords, etc.)
Chatelaine: No new person, but we need to go through Gold Key. (Andruta: We don’t have a lot of stuff for men.) (Check with Bhakail, Iron Bog, Caer Adamant, Hartshorndale). For fencing, averaging 5 to 6 people each practice.
Chronicler: nothing new to report
MoL: Submitted report for commons
Baron/Archery-Thrown Weapons officer: Archery is done until May
Baroness: Baronial champions have been invited to Return to Vinland Raids in Smoking Rocks to compete in a best of the best competition. Event is the weekend after Beltaines in 2023.
Old Business:
About 31 people came to Commons. Exchequer submitted report. Seneschal said she didn’t receive her copy.
New Business
Al Hafla? Artisan’s Village? Baron wants to look at some sites for these events and others. Next Baronial investiture should be aligned with East Kingdom 12th Night. Exchequer says we could always go back to Christ Home as a site, but if we want to do that need to start looking for it now.
Baron has asked if there are numbers for 12th Night for previous years, wants to inquire with Kingdom Exchequer.
Al Hafla: Jaz says it can be a smaller event. May not have live music if it’s indoors, because many EK musicians are uncomfortable playing indoors. May try and schedule it at the end of February. March is busy, so we have tentatively scheduled it for April 22. Need to ask incoming Heirs when their coronation is.
Events coming up: 100 Minutes War, Yule.
Next Baronial meeting: Holiday part is scheduled, with a sock exchange (with $15 gift limit), potluck, and in person at the Nature Center. For those changing offices, bring your medallions, etc.
December 2022 Barony of Buckland Cross Meeting
In attendance were all Barony officers and a few friends. New officers were confirmed in their positions, the new Seneschal will be continuing as Chronicler until someone else can step up. Jenevra is supporting as Deputy Seneschal.
Gifts were exchanged and merry was made.
January 2023 Barony of Buckland Cross meeting
In attendance (in person and online) were the Baron, Baroness, Seneschal, Deputy Seneschal, MoAS, Knight Marshal, Webminister, MoL, Herald, and a few citizens.
Officer’s Reports
Baron/Baroness: Baron reports that our Baronial badges have been cleared and approved by Kingdom. MoAS has produced a prototype to see if the etching can be enameled.
Chronicler: Nothing new to report
Exchequer: Barony is solvent, but was still filling out the 4th quarter and full year reports to Kingdom. Shire Wars check has still not been received.
MoAS: Has been setting up several classes for the new year, such as making kvass, sandcasting metal, and running events. Envisions the Barony being a resource for its neighbors and classes a good place for presenters to test flight concepts before teaching bigger groups.
Webminister: Has been switching Barony officers’ email accounts over, and has taken over the Baronial website.
Herald: Nothing new to report.
Knight Marshal/Chatelaine: Fencing practices continue, with some new people showing up.
MoL: Just starting in her position and still filling out forms for Kingdom, nothing new to report.
Seneschal: Shire Wars planning committee has met, but with Hartshorndale unable to fulfill its commitment for 2023 because of having to plan its own Baronial investiture, Buckland Cross unable to step up because of having to hold its own Baronial polling, and other signatories unable or unwilling to step up at this time, there may not be a Shire Wars this year. Baron Aurddeilen, who also sits on the planning committee, also believes we should just plan for Shire Wars for 2024.
New Business
Al-Hafla: May 20 has been picked for the day. Site still needs to be found.
Baronial polling: Will call for Letters of Intent for the February meeting. Deadlines will need to be set.
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