2022 Officer Elections
Greetings all, October has come again, and it is time to renew and refresh our corps of officers. Candidates for these offices must have been a member of the Barony and Society, in good standing, for a minimum of one year. They must also live within the borders of the Barony, or have explicit permission from the group in which they reside. Our full by-laws can be reviewed in this document. Kingdom laws are at the Kingdom Seneschal’s website. Each office is linked to Kingdom resources about the responsibility for your review. If you are interested in serving in any of the following offices, please message me by November 1 (seneschal@bucklandcross.eastkingdom.org.) We will hold elections for all offices for which we have candidates at...
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Greetings all, Our next two business meetings will occur on their normal dates, with some special activities. Here are the details, please let me know if you have questions!YIS, Jenevra November 17, 2022 Business Meeting Churchville Nature Center 7:30pm We will be meeting in person in the library at the Nature Center. Virtual presence is available via the details below. We will hold elections for those offices for which we have nominations. Votes can be sent to the Seneschal prior to the meeting, but cannot be sent via another person. Please see postings in the main FB group, the discussion list, and on the official website for details of the offices and candidates up for election. Please remember, we have agreed to voluntarily mask. No...
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