December 2023 Business Meeting
Dec. 14, 2023 In attendance was the Seneschal, Deputy Seneschal, Baron, Baroness, Exchequer, Knight Marshal, Webminister, MoAS, Herald, MoL, and members of the populace. Seneschal announced that the results of the Baronial polling have been released by their Majesties. Baron and Baroness revealed that the new heirs were Lord Muireadhach Ó Cuileannáin and Lady Yasamin al-Sardaniya. A discussion then occurred about investiture arrangements for East Kingdom 12th Night on January 13. An emergency meeting to vote on a new Exchequer and MoAS was set for Jan. 7. The deputies of each position were asked to function temporarily as Baronial officers until that meeting. The Baronial financial guidelines were also to be voted upon then. Meeting then ended for Baronial...
Read MoreNovember 2023 Business Meeting
Thu, Nov 16, 2023 In attendance were the Seneschal, Deputy Seneschal, Baron and Baroness, Exchequer, Webminister, MoAS, Herald, MoL, and some members of the populace. Officer’s Reports: Chatelaine and Knight Marshal: No new Chatelaine-related matters to report. People approved for the Barony’s Facebook public cross page have been existing members of the SCA. Fencing continues to do well. Exchequer has been given a deposit for fees paid for fencing practice. Exchequer: Barony remains solvent. Financial reports have been filed. There are some checks outgoing for site tokens for 12th Night and kitchen supplies (coffee urn and can opener). Financial committee met and last parts of financial policies were reviewed for populace to read and ratify. MoAS: A wire ring...
Read MoreOctober 2023 Business Meeting
Thu, Oct 19, 2023 In attendance were the Seneschal, Deputy Seneschal, Baron and Baroness, Exchequer, Knight Marshal, Chatelaine, MoAS, Webminister, MoL, Herald, and members of the populace. Officers’s Reports Exchequer: Barony remains solvent (balance $4,820.48) and financial report has been filed with East Kingdom. Seed money is needed for the Baronial Champions event in October. (Seneschal agreed to provide the $250 for the entry gate till, to be reimbursed by check.) (Exchequer also stated that according to kingdom law, quarterly financial reports need to be signed off on, and would be seeking the Seneschal for signoff. Additionally, in accordance with the recently proposed Baronial financial policies, Barony members should be proposing event ideas for 2024 so...
Read MoreSeptember 2023 Business Meeting
Thursday, September 21, 2023 In attendance were the Seneschal, Deputy Seneschal, Baron, Baroness, Exchequer, Chatelaine, Webminister, MoAS, MoL, and members of the populace. Officers Reports Exchequer: Barony has $5,270.48. Planning meeting occurred for Baronial financial committee meeting, consisting of the Baron and Baroness, Seneschal, and Exchequer. They determined that the committee would be those four officers and then major expenditures would then come back to the populace for votes. For any events, the committee wants to establish the use of budget proposals for purchases, classes and events, suggestions that are on deck or the martial regalia and equipment, etc. Any proposals can be e-mailed to any or all members of the committee, explaining what...
Read MoreJuly 2023 Business Meeting
Thu, Jul 20, 2023 Attending were Seneschal, Deputy Seneschal, Baroness, Exchequer, MoAS, Knigh Marshal, Webminister, and members of the populace. Officer’s Reports: Baroness: Discussed needed corrections to Baronial information that needed to be made by Shepherd’s Crook Herald. Has been more than a year since first contacted about it. Exchequer: Barony is solvent, with $5,475.48 in Baronial account. $400 was made from the “plague sale” at Churchville Nature Center in June. Webminister: Nothing new to report, but requested that if things needto be on the calendar, please email her. Knight Marshal/Chatelaine: No fencing practices in August because of Pennsic, will return in September. Nothing to report as Chatelaine. Thrown Weapons/Archery: After several...
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