December 2023 Business Meeting

Dec. 14, 2023

In attendance was the Seneschal, Deputy Seneschal, Baron, Baroness, Exchequer, Knight Marshal, Webminister, MoAS, Herald, MoL, and members of the populace.

Seneschal announced that the results of the Baronial polling have been released by their Majesties.

Baron and Baroness revealed that the new heirs were Lord Muireadhach Ó Cuileannáin and Lady Yasamin al-Sardaniya.

A discussion then occurred about investiture arrangements for East Kingdom 12th Night on January 13. An emergency meeting to vote on a new Exchequer and MoAS was set for Jan. 7. The deputies of each position were asked to function temporarily as Baronial officers until that meeting. The Baronial financial guidelines were also to be voted upon then.

Meeting then ended for Baronial holiday social and potluck.

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