June 2023 Business Meeting

Thu, Jun 15, 2023

Attending were the Seneschal, Baron, Baroness, Exchequer, Knight Marshal/Chatelaine, MoAS, MoL, and members of the populace.

Knight Marshal/Chatelaine: Baronial fencing practice continues every first and third Tuesday. As Chatelaine, reports that he still has seven bins of clothes. New people have been showing up on the Baronial Facebook page.

MoAS: Pre-Pennsic garb classes continue and will be announced a week in advance.

Exchequer:  The Al-Hafla event in May yielded about $636, the Barony came in just shy of breaking even, by about $60, The Baronial bank balance is $5,116.96

Baron and Baroness/Archery and Thrown Weapons: Baron reported that archery is every other Sunday from 2 PM to 4 PM. Has starter bows available. Recommends everybody start with something between 25 to 45 pounds, with most people settling for around 35 pounds

Seneschal: Deferred to Deputy Seneschal to talk about the impending Baronial polling for heirs and what succession plans should be and any instruction or guidance from East Kingdom.

Deputy Seneschal: After a talk with Kingdom Seneschal, reported that the candidates for Baron and Baroness must indicate successors to their current officer positions. Those who are elected must immediately step out of their positions and have backups in place until elections for those officers can happen.

(After discussion, the Barony members voted on naming Lady Alexondra as deputy exchequer, Lady Ezra Dei Bazzi of Bhakail as deputy MoAS, Lord Guillaume Du Chantier as deputy Knight Marshal, and Baroness Jenevra will continue as deputy Webminister. All of these officers-in-training are ready to function temporarily as officers if the candidates they are deputy for are elected as Baron and Baroness.)

New Business

Financial Committee: The Exchequer brought up the need to establish a financial committee for the Barony under East Kingdom law. The committee would be in charge of authorizing a yearly budget and all unbudgeted expenditures in the yearly budget must be made available to the local branch.

(After discussion, the decision was to have the Exchequer, Baron, Baroness, and Seneschal meet to determine who should be on the financial committee and review the current policies about finances.)

East Kingdom 12th Night Bid: The Seneschal brought up whether the Barony wanted to submit a bid for this event to Kingdom, and the general agreement was yes. Discussion included cost, what kind of food, whether this event could serve as the Barony’s Baronial Investiture event, and potential event sites within the Barony.

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