September 2023 Business Meeting

Thursday, September 21, 2023

In attendance were the Seneschal, Deputy Seneschal, Baron, Baroness, Exchequer, Chatelaine, Webminister, MoAS, MoL, and members of the populace.

Officers Reports 

Exchequer: Barony has $5,270.48. Planning meeting occurred for Baronial financial committee meeting, consisting of the  Baron and Baroness, Seneschal, and Exchequer. They determined that the committee would be those four officers and then major expenditures would then come back to the populace for votes. For any events, the committee wants to establish the use of budget proposals for purchases, classes and events, suggestions that are on deck or the martial regalia and equipment, etc. Any proposals can be e-mailed to any or all members of the committee, explaining what is the item being requested and what the proposed costs, what reimbursements need to be made. For events and classes, information needs to be about proposed costs. For classes what will be taught and supplies needed. For events, what the event will be and information about site insurance, food, tokens, number of attendees. Major expenses, anything over $250, would need to be approved by the populace. Minor expenses (such as Baronial kitchen and serving utensil items) can be ratified by the financial committee.

Cook for upcoming Baronial Champions dayboard has requested an advance for food expenses. $200 was proposed. Expense was approved by a quick vote.

Seneschal: No updates for Baronial polling process from Kingdom.

MoAS: Nothing new to report.

MoL: Nothing new to report.

Herald: Nothing new to report.

Baron and Baroness: Baron reviewed details for Baronial Champions event in October. Times were agreed for meeting to set up event at Core Creek Park.

Deputy Seneschal: Shared some planning details for East Kingdom 12th Night event, has confirmed the event would be at St. Cyril’s in Jamison, PA. Requested that Seneschal pursue getting an insurance certificate from SCA corporate for the event site.

Meeting adjourned after brief discussion of details for the event.

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