September 8, 2024 Special Exchequer Election Meeting Minutes

Special Meeting Minutes, September 8 2024

  • Emergency Election of two officer positions; Exchequer and Chronicler due to the current Exchequer stepping down and moving from the area. These will be interim officers until the regular yearly election in January
  • The position of Exchequer was first up for election with two candidates: Sigridh and Brittany. The election was done by paper ballot. With the election result of Sigridh
  • Since Sigridh was elected, her position of Chronicler needs to be filled. Brittany had also submitted her name for that position, and since running apposed was elected with a call for “All in Favor” with a unanimous vote.
    With the election completed talk turned to a short discussion of the upcoming baronial champions event on September 28th.
    With no more business the meeting was adjourned with the next monthly meeting scheduled on Thursday, September 19th at 7pm at the Churchville Nature Center.

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