

Officers of the Barony of Buckland Cross

Please feel free to reach out to our Officers as needed. They are here to serve, and we appreciate all of their efforts!

Baroness Yasamin al-Sardaniya (mka ‘Jaz’ Jennifer Pirillo) Envelope (Your/Her Excellency, She/Her)

Baron Muireadhach O’Cuileannain Envelope (Your/His Excellency, He/Him)

Seneschal Seneschal
Adelisa Salernitana (mka Christiane Truelove, she/her)Envelope
Deputy Seneschal: Baroness Jenevra de Carvalhal (mka Christine Connors, she/her) Envelope

Exchequer Exchequer

Sigridh Bengtsdotter (mka Kirsten Becker), she/her) Envelope

Deputy Exchequer: Cailleach Dhe ingen Chiarain (mka Karyn Driscoll, she/her)

Knight Marshal Earl Marshal
Morwill MacShane (mka Frank Hetherington III, he/him)Envelope

Herald Herald
Gwalchmai ap Talan (mka Matthew Streight, he/him) Envelope

Minister of Arts and Sciences Minister of Arts and Sciences
Cailleach Dhe ingen Chiarain (mka Karyn Driscoll, she/her) Envelope

Chronicler Chronicler
Zaritsa Korsakova (mka Brittany Kirin Schleinkofer, she/her) Envelope

Minister of the List Minister of the List
Andruta Jezofyna (mka Janice Fishman, she/her) Envelope

Chatelaine Chatelaine
Morwill MacShane (mka Frank Hetherington III, he/him) Envelope

Webminister Webminister
Cailleach Dhe ingen Chiarain (mka Karyn Driscoll, she/her) Envelope
Rapier Marshal (Fencing) Rapier Marshal
Morwill MacShane (mka Frank Hetherington III, he/him) Envelope

Archery Marshal Archery Marshal
Aurddeilen-ap-Robet (mka Raymond Becker, he/him) Envelope

Thrown Weapons & Siege Marshal Thrown Weapons Marshal
Aurddeilen-ap-Robet (mka Raymond Becker, he/him) Envelope