Zaritsa Korsakova (she/her) serves as the Barony’s Chronicler.
- East Kingdom Chronicler’s website
- Society Chronicler’s website
- Digital Release forms from the EK Webminister’s website
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Posts from our Chronicler
Business Meeting, March 2019
Baronial Meeting Minutes 3/21/19
- Seneschal Announcements
- Troll for events should have a copy of the “black list” of those not permitted to attend SCA events per kingdom/corporate
- Please communicate if you know of any awards that are to given
- Chatelaine
- No new contacts
- Exchequer
- Made small profit on Al Hafla
- *Checks to be written for Non-member service fee & dayboard
- Herald
- Jazz needs help with a submission
- Knight Marshall
- Southern Region marshal is starting paperwork for marshal
- Chronicler
- Talked to kingdom Chronicler about corrections to information in Pike Staff
- MoL
- Will be at Mudthaw to learn more about the process
- Web
- Updating Pages
- Any Officer is welcome to post to the website
- Al Hafla
- Positive feedback
- Baron Derr left the big trays in our possession on “permanent loan”
- Need to have separate event steward and feast steward
- Need to be sure to print out sign in sheets
- Get seed $ the week before instead of week of
- Artisan’s Village
- May 31 – June 2 at Tohickon Valley Park
- Budgeting $200 for dayboard and $200 for feast. May do Potluck for feast
- Baronial Heavy & Fencing championships will happen at AV
Need Cloaks for Champions
CNC’s volunteer photographer has offered to take pictures of people in their garb. If anyone is interested we can work on setting up a date with her.
Next meeting is 4/18/19 Changed to 4/25 due to holiday commitments from several officers

Business Meeting, February 2019
Baronial Meeting Minutes 2/21/19
Officer slate presented and approved
- Seneschal Announcements
- Montvale will be running 2019 Shire Wars
- Retainers are needed for upcoming spring events
- Volunteers are needed for the House Runnymead dinner at Pennsic (House for sitting landed barons/baronesses) – volunteers will be fed
- Exchequer
- Reports submitted & Approved
- Balance is positive, plus deposit coming back from Christ Home
- Deputy Chatelaine
- Adrienne will be making bags for gold key that will hold complete outfits and marked as Buckland Cross.
- Would like to have a sorting party
- Chatelaine
- Looking at county event sites for possible demos
- Al Hafla
- Site is booked
- Need help with troll
- Electric candles/lamps only
- Site opens at 10am
- Artisan’s Village
- Need Co‐Autocrat. Will come back with that at next meeting
- Awards
- Need a meeting. Might be virtual on Monday 11th, 8pm on Google Hangout/Google Meet
Next meeting is 3/21/19

Business Meeting, January 2019
Baronial Meeting Minutes 1/17/19
- MoAS
- Will Continue Banner Workshops in warmer weather since the Becker garage is not heated
- Chatelaine
- No new contacts & Adrien now has Gold Key
- Web
- Need to get Baronial Emails set up
- Fencing
- 17 participants at Fencing practice
- Exchequer
- Positive Bank Balance
- *Still have checks that need to be written from investiture for Dayboard $502.28 & Non‐Member fee to kingdom $15
- *$500 deposit from children’s home returned
- Herald
- No new submissions
- A General discussion was had about the state of the EK finances & upcoming curia
- Investiture
- Event review and positive final balance
- Al Hafla
- Will be held at St. Paul’s Levittown. A deposit is needed for the church & insurance certificate needs to be ordered
- Slate of new officers
- Seneschal – Cynthia (Deputy – Christine)
- Exchequer – Frank
- Herald – Jackie (Deputy – Trent)
- MoAS – Suellen
- Chatelaine – Jaz (Deputy – Adrien)
- Web Minister – Christine (Deputy – Stephen)
- Knight Marshall – Bill
- MoL – Adrien
- Chronicler – Sigridh
Baronial Awards, Scribes & Champions (heavy, fencing, A&S, Brewing, Archer & Thrown Weapons), Baldrics
Next meeting is 2/21/19

Business Meeting Minutes, December 2018
Baronial Meeting Minutes 12/13/18
- Checking on submissions status from Pennsic
- Jackie and Trent will be assisting as book heralds
- Couple of new people have expressed interested after investiture and the holidays
- Will look into Google Chat to implement in case of bad weather for meetings
Knight Marshal
- Working on ideas for our heavy championship
- Talking with Bhakail’s Knight Marshal about a melee event between the two of us – looser gets Franklin Mills
- Suellen has agreed to take over as MoAS
- Balance is $2712.43 – $1600 for Christ Home about $300 each for feast and dayboard
- Discussed a few last minute things for investiture
Next meeting is 1/17/19
July 2018 Business Meeting Minutes
Shire Meeting Minutes 7/19/18
- $568 check out to Owlsherst for our portion of Shire Wars
- Shire Wars will be an RP this year and a request has been made for the following volunteers: Royal liason,field hall coordinator & grounds keeper. Pre‐registration is needed if you want cabin space
- New insurance certificate was needed for new Artisan’s Village Date
- Fencing
- No 2nd practice for July or practice in August due to Pennsic. Will resume in September
Knight Marshal
- Several new people have been coming to heavy practice. No practice until September due to Pennsic
Chatelaine/Web Minister
- Fencing information on our web page was fixed
- Every group must now have a social media officer and Facebook pages must be “unofficial” or closed to the general public
- Need to make banners
- Trying out a new company that prints on fabric to mass make favors and make some banners
- Potential demo at Christ Home (site of investiture) on August 25
- 2 potential field trips. 1 to a Viking exhibit at Mystic Museum and another Viking exhibit in Philly
- Archery is going well at the new site
- Samples of new barony t‐shirts and tote bags are being made. Will bring to next meeting
Artisan’s Village
- Moved to Labor Day weekend and there is a local Viking re‐enactment group that will be joining us
- Possible brewing competition Investiture
- The event will be held at Christ Home in Warminster in their new rec center
- This will be an “all hands on deck” event
- Need volunteers for the following: troll, feast (Christiane is looking into cooks)
- Looking into tokens
- We will do feast and cap it at 80.
- We would like to get paypal for pre‐reg
- Committee met to discuss awards. Service being the 1st one we need to get in place. The award “The Order of the Cervus” with a kneeling deer as the design was recommended by the committee
The next barony meeting will be Thursday, August 16 at 7:30 pm at the Churchville Nature Center.
February 2018 Business Meeting Minutes
Shire Meeting Minutes 2/22/18
- Barony status: waiting for approval of the BOD at the April meeting.
- Congratulations to Jenevra (Christine) on her writ for Laurel. Elevation will be at EK 50th.
- There will be a block printing class on the 1st Sunday in March. There is a listing on Facebook.
- Known World A&S symposium will be the 2nd week of March in King of Prussia.
- The next A&S class will be calligraphy/Illumination.
Chatelaine/Web Minister
- New visitor ‐ Welcome Katy.
- Adrien is working on making Gold Key & getting printed ribbon to sew into gold key with our name on to
identify garb as the shire’s. - EK web team is setting up a team/shared drive through our Google account. An invite will be sent.
- Our current balance is [redacted from public]. 2 checks outstanding. 1 from Shire Wars and 1 from K & Q.
- We are now averaging 6 fencers at every practice.
- No Report
Artisan’s Village
- Site is reserved and looking into a large tent.
- A response was received from Kingdom on insurance. Only our standard insurance is acceptable, can’t
put library, grange, etc. on insurance and can’t sign other groups wavers.
- Coronet concepts presented and Muin’s design was selected.
- Need to begin looking for potential sites and need an event steward for investiture.
The next Shire meeting will be Thursday, March 15 at 7:30 pm at the Churchville Nature Center.
January 2018 Business Meeting Minutes
Shire Meeting Minutes 1/18/18
The passing of Duke Kenric was noted and a moment of silence was observed
The Barony Polling results are in with a positive vote for barony by our populace and Ray & Kirsten as
Baron/Baroness. This was approved by Kingdom and Their Majesties. It now goes to the BOD at their
January meeting for approval.
Officers have been instructed to use their official EK email for sending all reports
December minutes should be posted soon
Will do winter newsletter shortly
Knight Marshall
Heavy fighter practice will be held again at the Nature Center on Wednesday
There will be no February 1 st Sunday A&S due to the Super Bowl, although Ray will probably be going to
the Viking Garb Workshop in Lehighton and suggested a group outing up there if anyone else was
interested in going
Block Printing will be the A&S topic on March 4 th and Calligraphy in April, but the date will need to be
decided since the 1 st Sunday is Easter and the 2 nd Sunday is the Rock & Mineral Expo at the nature center
Chatelaine/Web Minister
2017 Reports Sent. Suellen’s son Steven will be stepping up as Christine’s deputy
No report
Exchequer/Fencing Marshall
Year-end balance is $3878.46 which is up substantially from last year. Frank pointed out that we need to
do more than break even or make a little on any upcoming events since we will have more expenses as a
We are now averaging 6 fencers at every practice
Artisan’s Village
Christine sent an email to Erin at the County Parks office requesting the site at Tohickon Valley Park again
this year on the 1 st weekend in June. She is awaiting a response on that as well as questions on the
availability of a large tent, handicapped porta john and alcohol permit.
The request from the Grange to have them, the library and the township put on our insurance for
Wrightstown Demo was sent to the Kingdom Seneschal for input earlier in the week
A “to do” list was discussed pending BOD approval which included: New banners, tabards, awards,
coronets, favors & largesse. A google doc was discussed that we can list other “buck/deer” themed
awards that are already used by other Kingdoms/baronies and where we can brainstorm a list for our own
The next Shire meeting has been moved to one week later to Thursday, February 22 at 7:30 pm at the Churchville
Nature Center due to our Seneschal being on vacation.
December 2017 Business Meeting Minutes
Shire Meeting Minutes 12/21/17 Seneschal
- No report on polling MoAS
- A block carving and printing class has been requested as well as a felting class and Illumination. Felting MoL
- Kimberly got to spend more time learning from Baroness Judith at Shire Wars during the marshalled events
We have on new person interested. Need to make a variety of loaner garb/sizes
Web Minister
- Christine renewed her warrant and is good for two years. Emails have all been migrated to the new Google site.
- Kimberly got to do more learning at K&Q Rapier and helped with the round robin but not scoring
No Report
King’s & Queen’s Rapier
- Everything went very smoothly and very positive feedback from fencers as well as from the community college.
- 200 in attendance. Compliments from attendees on the speed of registration/gate
- Total Income was $2876.51, Expenses $1128.19, net $1748.32 which is split with kingdom since this was a
kingdom event so our final net is $874.16 Wrightstown
The Grange is still requiring insurance. It was decided to send the information on to kingdom from the grange and get their input before making a decision
Artisan’s Village
It was decided to do Artisan’s Village again this year and the dates will be June 1‐3 up at Tohickon Valley Park in Point Pleasant again
The meeting was adjourned for some Holiday fun
The next Shire meeting is Thursday, January 18 at 7:30 pm at the Churchville Nature Center
November 2017 Business Meeting Minutes
Shire Meeting Minutes 11/16/17
- There will be a curia at Yule that seneschals are asked to attend. Ray mentioned a subject he felt needs to be brought up. As a former seneschal he feels there needs to be more clarification between the requirements/duties of Kingdom officers and local officers and that is not well defined in kingdom law. Christine suggested that the information be sent to Katherine Barr beforehand.
- A block carving and printing class has been requested and is a possibility in January for the 1st Sunday A&S. There will be no 1st Sunday in December due to an event that day at the nature center and the fact that the holiday season is very busy for everyone.
- Archery is done until spring. We received some target butts for thrown weapons and that will be added next year. We are looking into a closer site for archery next year at a property overseen by CNC.
- October minutes are now available on the website
- Kimberly got to spend more time learning from Baroness Judith at Shire Wars during the marshaled events.
- Reports for Shire Wars have been submitted and checks will be written to the other shires to return their seed monies and to give them their share of the profits.
- Frank was able to get signed up and logged into our online banking.
Knight Marshall
- No one has been showing up for Wednesday evening heavy fighter practice. Matt feels it is due to other, more well established practices in the area, but will give it a little while longer before cancelling them entirely.
- Will bring gold key for rapier after realizing we should have had it for Shire Wars. The group discussed making some “one size fits most” T tunics, belts and hoods to have available for more size flexibility. Most of what we have is Italian Ren and not as flexible size‐wise.
Web Minister
- Kingdom has begun migrating emails to Google for non‐profits. Since Christine is involved with Kingdom web ministry, the shire was offered up as a test group for the early migration. This shift to Google will improve spam prevention. Emails for google will be our membership Officer emails will be directed to that email, so that will work much smoother than the current system.
- Tara has talked with 3 people to assist them with name submissions
Barony Progress
- Polling went out and we must now wait until the 1st of December for results. If the results are positive they go to Their Majesties and the BOD for approval.
Shire Wars
- 130 people attended and there was a profit made to split between the participating shires. Everything went well. The scout camp used is getting very popular with another group that uses it regularly, but we were told the SCA would be given 1st choice when scheduling our date for next year.
King & Queen’s Rapier
- Everything is pretty much set with K&Q rapier.
- We do not have portable stairs for the front of the stage and people will need to use side access hall & steps to get up there.
- Cynthia will work on tokens next week.
- Volunteers are needed for set up, troll, clean up and perhaps some floaters during the day.
- It was discussed how long to keep troll open and all felt that 2pm was a good time to end troll.
- Some other small logistics were discussed but all is moving along.
- The idea of a holiday party was discussed. We’ll combine a holiday covered dish with our next meeting.
The next Shire meeting is Thursday, December 21 at 7:30 pm at the Churchville Nature Center.
October 2017 Business Meeting Minutes
Shire Meeting Minutes 10/12/17
- Welcome to our visitors
- Exchequer
- 57 pre‐registered for Shire Wars/52 for feast
- Have received the deposits from other shires for shire wa
- Checks given to Bucks County Community College for rental of the gym facilities for K&Q Rapier Champions
- MoAS
- 1st Sunday A&S will be a Stich & Chat on November 5th 6pm at the nature center Barony Progress
- Baronial Status Change
- Polling Sample Shown
- Have officially requested mailing labels from kingdom
- Shire Wars
- Duchess Diana is doing a bead pilgrimage again this year
- Bardic at the feast hall all day along with music & dancing
- There will be a weaving circle as well as a heraldic consultation table
- King & Queen’s Rapier
- Will be a topic for discussion & update at next meeting
The next Shire meeting is Thursday, November 16 at 7:30 pm at the Churchville Nature Center.
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