Business Meeting Minutes June through December 2022

June 2022 Present in person were the Baron and Baroness, Seneschal, Chronicler, Knight Marshal, and Herald. Online were the MoA, Webminister, Deputy Herald, and Exchequer, as well as our Rattan Champion.  Officers’ Reports MoA: quarterly report filed, nothing new to report. The 25th is the Japanese garden social. KM is working on metal etching classes. Webminister: updates have been made, meeting notes posted. Herald: Mistress Alys said the Barony Award badges are ready to go, Kingdom Herald just needs the check. We have proved the spelling of the Order of Style (Steel). Chronicler: Needs to check the Pikestaff to see if Barony contact information is correctly in there, specifically for the Seneschal and Baron and Baroness. MoL : Nothing new to report Baron...

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Business meeting Minutes February & March 2022

February 2022 In attendance were the Seneschal, Baron and Baroness, Chronicler, Exchequer, Knight Marshal, MoAS, MoL, Herald, Web Minister, and Chatelaine. OFFICERS’ REPORTS Morwill MacShane, rapier practice coordinator/Chatelaine, says fencing practice has reopened at the Churchville Nature Center and that he is still keeping COVID contact tracing sheets. Andruta Jezofyna, the MoL, stated that she has a report due March 1. She was going to attend Mudthaw to help out with the lists but might have to pull out. No other news to report. Baron and Baroness said they have nothing new to report. The Baron, who is also Thrown Weapons/Archery marshal, says there will not be any archery practice for the immediate future. Herald reported that she has spoken with Mistress...

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Business Meeting Minutes, September 2021 through January 2022

September 2021 Attending in person were the Baron and Baroness, the Seneschal, the Chonicler, the Knight Marshal, the MoAS, and the MoL. Attending online were the Exchequer, the rapier practice coordinator/Chatelaine, the Herald, and the Web Minister.   The main topic of discussion was coordination of the Oct. 5 Baronial Champions event. Officer’s Reports The Rapier coordinator shared the format for the rapier champions portion of the event, and the MoL was coordinating the paperwork. The Web Minister reported that previous meeting minutes have been posted to the Barony’s website and the Barony’s bylaws have been updated on the site. He had nothing else new to report. The MoAS had nothing new to report The Exchequer reported that we were solvent, with...

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Business Meeting Minutes, July & August 2021

July: Officers in person were the Seneschal, Baron, Baroness, Exchequer, Chatelaine, Deputy Exchequer, MoAS, and MoL. Officers online were Web Minister, Herald, Deputy Herald, Marshal, and Chronicler/Deputy Seneschal. Two visitors were also in attendance, one from Settmour Swamp. Seneschal introduced some items from the last meeting (storage unit, mentor for Herald). Herald wants to wait another month before approaching Kingdom again for assistance with mentoring. Might approach some people in neighboring baronies.Deputy Exchequer was confirmed, Exchequer will start training. Exchequer says storage unit is too expensive. She is moving Barony items to her own trailer as work in her basement is being done. Seneschal suggests looking for a trailer for the Barony,...

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Business Meeting Minutes June 2021

Barony of Buckland Cross Meeting 6-17-2021 This monthly business meeting of the Barony was the first in-person meeting for more than a year at Churchville Nature Center. Present in person were the Baron, Baroness, Seneschal, Chronicler, Chatelaine, MoAS, and MoL. Present online were the Herald, Web Minister, and Knight Marshal. Seneschal had members sign in with contract tracing form. Such forms must be done through the end of the month of June. MoL is signing up for assisting at Crown Tourney, which is in Hartshorn-dale. As of 6/17, tourney was being capped at 150 attendance, with only about 50 spots open for the populace/spectators. Settmour Swamp’s Baronial Championships are July 31, no attendance cap. Chatelaine: reports that a new person showed up at fencing...

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