A&S At the Olympic River Wars
Greetings Artisans of the East Kingdom! The Barony of Iron Bog has just had it’s first event since before the plague settled on the lands and they’re so excited to be doing it again! River Wars, Olympic style, is going on September 23rd – 25th. This is going to be the River Wars you have come to know and love but with an Olympic twist. As in the past, Artisan Row is going to be set up again and give us all a place to play. Are you itching to share what you learned during quarantine? Love what you do and can’t wait to help others find a new passion? They’re looking for people to come out to teach, display, create, and discuss all things A&S. If you are interested in teaching, please contact drueta@gmail.com so they can get...
Read More2022 Pennsic MoAS classes
As many people continue their Pennsic preparations, we would like to share the attached list of classes, taught by the staff of the EK Ministry of Arts & Sciences, designed to help support artists at various stages of their A&S projects. Pennsic-moAs-class-schedule-2022Download There are many other wonderful classes also being offered through Pennsic University; you can search the whole lineup and create your own personalized schedule through the following link: https://thing.pennsicuniversity.org/
Read MoreA&S Championship Preliminary
Due to struggles securing a site that meets requirements, attendance numbers, and other such things. The dates for this event are as of yet still undetermined, however, what follows are the general plans so far for the A&S Championship prelims. The current plans are to hold A&S champs in a hybrid format, with preliminary judging done online similar to last year the week before the event and finals in-person at an event during February-April (with options if finalists cannot attend). There will be an online display option open to everyone, and if the site allows it we hope to have space for some in-person display as well. This format allows entrants to participate who cannot travel long-distances or attend in-person due to Covid, gives more time for judges...
Read MoreOnline Brewing Event
Courtesy of The Shire of Trivium, On August 7 and 8, 2021 they will be hosting an event called St. Arnulf’s Day. St. Arnulf’s Day, is dedicated to the history of monastic life in Belgium, monastery breweries in Belgium and beer making! There will be classes on beer making, cider making, gruit herbal beer making and there will be an online feast which include dishes with beer. The recipes will be shared as well of course, so that you can cook the menu at home. Did you know that the oldest Belgian beer still being produced dates from 1074? It is called Affligem. “It will be a great honor to have you at our event. We do hope that you will join us. Feel free to share this event with your members.” -Ava van Allecmere (Of the Shire of Trivium)...
Read MoreCrowns A&S Registration OPEN
I am thrilled to announce that registration for our upcoming Ethereal Crown A&S Champions competition is now open.(As of Nov 13th)Registration and other helpful competition information can be found here: https://moas.eastkingdom.org/displays-competitions/crowns-as-champions/ First, a few important dates: December 13th is the deadline for all competitor and display entrants. January 10th is the deadline to submit all documentation, photos, and videos. When you register, you should receive an email confirming your registration. If you do NOT receive an automatic confirmation email after submitting your registration, please contact the MoAS office. If you are interested in entering as a competitor or in judging this year’s competition, we strongly...
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