January 2024 Business Meeting Notes
Officers ReportsBaron & Baroness – 12th Night investiture. 252 participants. Lots of good things have been said about thisevent. Jaz recommended moving the meetings to 7pm, which as agreed to by the group.Jaz also brought up the following action items… The website will need to be changed to bounce to new officers. A retainer coordinator has been requested. Baron Wiki page will need updating. A&S classes are needed, and all events should get on a calendar. Suggested an artisan’s village again. Exchequer 2023 is balanced. Ursula is working on geƫting warranted as well as deputy. Names need to be updated on the account. Web Minister Updates will be worked on this week. Report submitted. Herald Andruta is meeting with Rowan on how to run a court...
Read MoreCandidate Statement from Maistir Morwill and TH Lady Cailleach
Salutations and well wishes to all who read these words! We, Maistir Morwill MacShane, and TH Lady Cailleach Dhe ingen Chiarain, seek to serve the needs of the Barony by asking to be considered as candidates as the next Baron and Baroness of Buckland Cross. Together, Morwill and Cailleach strive to build on and expand upon what we have separately accomplished as officers, with the effort to support, guide and teach all others in those same endeavors. We believe our strength lies in our partnership of diverse interests, and wish to add that strength to what is already a strong foundation in our Barony. Morwill and Cailleach come from different areas of the S.C.A., but hold firm in the belief that no particular activity holds more importance than any other. Morwill...
Read MoreCandidate Statement from Lady Yasamin and Lord Muireadhach
Joyous greetings unto You, Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, KingdomSeneschal, Your Excellencies of Buckland Cross, Seneschal, and to you, the wonderful andtalented populace of the proud Barony do we, Sayyidah (Lady) Yasamin al-Sardaniyya- Called“Jaz”, and Lord Muireadhach O’Cuileannain send to you these words of greetings andintent, and do submit ourselves for consideration for the next Baron and Baroness of BucklandCross. From the time that Buckland Cross was merely a Canton, Lady Jaz served the group as Chatelaine and Event Steward, earned her AoA, and carried the banner as the Canton was elevated to Shire. After a hiatus, but remaining SCA adjacent, she returned to the group; and soon it was elevated to Barony when she again...
Read More2023 Coronet Polling
Greetings! The time has come for us to select our next titular heads, those who will inherit our wonderful Barony from Their Excellencies Aurddeilen and Sigridh. The ballots have been mailed to all who are SCA members in good standing and reside within the borders of Buckland Cross. Please keep an eye out for them to arrive within a week. If you believe you should have a ballot, and you don’t receive one, please reach out to privately to myself and our Seneschal. (seneschal@bucklandcross.eastkingdom.org; deputy.seneschal@bucklandcross.eastkingdom.org) If you received a ballot, you must return it for us to have a valid polling! Please do so on receipt if you’re able; all ballots must be RECEIVED by December 1, 2023. A self-addressed, stamped envelope has been...
Read More2022 Officer Elections
Greetings all, October has come again, and it is time to renew and refresh our corps of officers. Candidates for these offices must have been a member of the Barony and Society, in good standing, for a minimum of one year. They must also live within the borders of the Barony, or have explicit permission from the group in which they reside. Our full by-laws can be reviewed in this document. Kingdom laws are at the Kingdom Seneschal’s website. Each office is linked to Kingdom resources about the responsibility for your review. If you are interested in serving in any of the following offices, please message me by November 1 (seneschal@bucklandcross.eastkingdom.org.) We will hold elections for all offices for which we have candidates at...
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